Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Everything I learned in kindergarten, I have had to unlearn. For instance, Columbus was not the first to land on our fair continent. In fact, continents are a relatively new concept geologically speaking. I am not a descendant of Adam's rib, which may account for my small bones and witches don't roam with their wicked black cats ready to eat my gizzards. I'm thinking maybe I don't even have gizzards. However, enough is enough. The latest unlearning has brought on a fierce (Irish/Apache?) rebellion. Mr. Infallible Pope Benny has declared there were no angels at Jesus' birth. The Jehovah's Witnesses told me the same thing back in '72; I declined such heresy then, too. Let me remind said Pope that infallible popes of the past committed some horrifically fallible atrocities and he'd better not mess with my angels. My numerous poems, drawings, accounts, and encounters stay.I will not give up singing, "O Little Town of Bethlehem" or calling on my helpers to leave a small sign in front of me to lead me on. I remember nights with a candle burning beside a nativity set when I wondered if the next bullet would signal my last moments on Planet Earth. Just because the pope has been checking his Fact Checker is irrelevant to me. In war weary countries, people need to believe in goodness. In places of famine and drought, people need to believe in manna. For me, the humility of God coming to us as a baby in a manger of straw bringing with Him the message that peace works is a spectacular, radical, unheard of miracle mystery. The truth must be told! Some stories are more important than supposed accuracy. Imagination trumps all.Wonder is the midwife of belief and experience confirms it.

...may angels rock you gently in their
soft wings and heal your misgivings...

Drawing credit: Henry Hobbs


  1. so. i guess we will have to start calling you 'the faerie advocate' - goodness knows they need one - you will make a champian spokes-pearson. c wil

  2. ...from Roberto in Tribeca:

    On with Letting the Meek inherit the Mundo, before wee wreck it. Meanwhile, a new image to express the multitude of sufferings.

  3. ...from Gillian in Nantes:

    Mim how wise.....when I was little my Nanna always said she had seen an angel in a tree; I for one believed her and I believe in them even now!
    Leonardo da Vinci believed in them so much so that he drew and painted them in their total magnificence....whatever they were, whoever they were
    they certainly did and do exist. H XX XX
