Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Twinkie's Chapeau

The Red Hat Society has the right idea: brighten the world with an abundance of fabulous knock-em-out hats. Personally, I'm not the RHS type. Oh, I love red hats (as you can see from the old Clearwater photo) but a large gathering of women dressed to the teeth is not me. It's too many stories at once. When Mrs. Greene gave me all her hats before she died, she told me about her husband having been a hatter and her father, when he was head of the public library in New York City, had often invited Willa Cather to lunch. Somehow her hat collection with its charming, original designs had the aura of handmade finery and literature. I stopped in McDonald's on Sunday for a mango pineapple smoothie and was delighted to see a hat with an enormous flower. The woman wearing it was in a small wheelchair in the back of which was a musical instrument case and a pale cream recorder. She was sitting with a man who in the old days my mother would have called, "Dapper." Naturally, I had to compliment the hat. When I did, the man said, "That's Twinkie." I said to her, "Hi, Twinkie. Are you a violin player?" He answered, "No, that's me and it's a ukulele." I asked, "Oh, do you play mountain music?" That's when I discovered he and Twinkie are local celebrities. Out came a folio of hand written sheet music, demo cd's, photos, a brief history of gigs, and a YouTube address. Over the years, I have given away all of Mrs. Greene's hats with their message of beauty and optimism. How she would have enjoyed meeting Twinkie and would have added a teasing note about my McDonald's/Wendy's/Taco Bell addiction. She exclaimed once, "You and your fast food cosmic convergences! You have the best chance encounters there!" I replied, "What can I say, Mrs. Greene; there are no more Automats." 
...may blessings find you wherever you stop by...


  1. Imagine having lunch with Willa Cather. Mi esposo, Tony Mares, had issues with her portrayal of Padre Martinez of Taos in her novel, DEATH COMES FOR THE ARCHBISHOP and wrote a play in response called DEATH COMES FOR WILLA CATHER. He was working on it when I met him, and it's one of (several) reasons I married him.

  2. yup, it has arrived with vengeance - time to don my head-piece for shade and cool it till the relief of fall breezes blesses our land. see you at mcdonald's for a smoothie - don't forget your hat. c will

  3. ...from Dian:

    I loved this one because an encounter with a hat is what brought you into my life! Glad it got so cold one winter. Glad Susan had the insight to know a faerie when she saw one. Glad that you came dancing into my house and said grace that night. I still remember your words..."on the wings of angels"....because you could see that I collect them...the ones that are art pieces and the real ones!

  4. ...from CB:

    How interesting. I just bought a whimsical hat for $10. at TJ Maxx. No one likes it, however. Ani will not be seen with me if I wear it. So, I wear it.

  5. I am so intrigued with the new look of your blog that I didn't even read what you said!~!!!! I'll be back tomorrow. Congratulations on this fabulous new look!!!!!!! I love it.

  6. You look wonderful in that hat of so many years ago as you did in the hats you wore when I first met you. I must say, Mrs. Greene was right. Cosmic convergences and chance encounters really do sum up your amazing life!
