Saturday, June 16, 2012

Tucked in a Notebook

It's the day before Father's Day and I chanced upon on old poem in a notebook. Behold! a Father's Day poem from 1984. Serendipity!


She said she was the daughter
of the Bishop of Ormsby.
Three times she said it,
the kind of remark
which could have been irritating
to the listener, I supposed.
The reactions could run
from resentment, "Who
does she think she is?" to
disinterest, "So what?"
But in her glowing reminder I caught
a note of such admiration and concern,
I understood a sudden kinship.
I knew exactly how she felt.
I have been guilty of the same effusiveness.
When giving my opinion, creed, or cause,
how often has that enthusiastic pride
Has there been a day when I did not
at some point gratefully blurt,
"Well, my father always said..."?
I am glad to report
there has not. 

1 comment:

  1. a beautiful tribute to a good father; i'm sure he would be proud and happy to know, you cared. c wil
